
Traffic Impact Assessments

APEX Engineers have the relevant experience and capabilities to prepare Traffic Impact Assessments (TIAs) for a wide variety of developments, such as multi unit residential buildings, mixed-use developments, residential subdivisions, industrial sites, office developments, restaurants, industrial estates. We have been undertaking Traffic Impact Assessments across Australia for a number of years and we are well familiar with typical Council and state authority expectations. For larger developments, we use SIDRA intersection assessment software (the industry standard software) to model and assess operation of the nearby intersections. With in-depth knowledge we have of traffic modelling, typical traffic issues and planning submission requirements, you are ensured that our TIAs are professional and are delivered on schedule. And not to forget, they are within a reasonable budget.

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Parking Dispensation Assessments

A dispensation permit allows you to get approval for a land use without necessarily satisfying the parking provision requirement based on the Council Development Control Plan parking rates. APEX Engineers have provided parking dispensation assessment services to various clients over the past years. We have an in house database of parking surveys at various land uses, which we can use for your project as Councils generally require you to identify the maximum number of car parking spaces expected to be used by your development by comparing it against existing similar land uses. Our experienced coupled with the accumulated knowledge will enable you to achieve significant cost savings.

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Waste Management Plans

Throughout the years, our skilled team of engineers have assisted various clients with waste management plans for various land uses at various stages (during demolition or construction stages or during on-going use).

We recognise that waste management as a whole has changed greatly with time. This is why we keep on incorporating new methods and developing innovative strategies to take on the modern waste management challenges.

Construction Traffic Management Plans

Before you begin construction, a construction traffic management plan needs to be provided to and approved by the local Council and in some instances, depending on the location of the site, the state transport authority. This is a document which provides information in relation to the nature of traffic likely to be generated during the demolition, excavation and construction stages of a development.

Apex Engineers have RMS qualified practitioners with extensive experience in providing construction traffic management plans for a wide range of developments.

Ramp Designs and Vehicle Scraping Tests

Optimising space is our forte. We understand that nowadays clients demand innovative and intelligent solutions to maximise available space in their facilities.

Our ramp design service will ensure the ramps in your car parking design comply with the relevant Australian Standard requirements. In case you cannot satisfy the relevant gradient requirements in Australian Standards, we provide vehicle scraping tests to justify custom schemes.

Parking Designs And Reviews

Today’s car parks should be flexible, vibrant and integrated into the community for creating side street activity. They should ooze a feeling of security by integrating retail units, accommodation, offices and restaurants. With a number of successful projects under our belt, APEX Engineers have established a reputation as leading car park design consultants in Australia.

Swept Path Assessments

The horizontal clearances and manoeuvrability conditions of vehicles are crucial facets of optimal car parking design. It becomes even more vital at vehicular access locations, loading/unloading facilities and high turnover parking aisles. Swept Path tests are conducted to ensure that the largest vehicle expected to use your site can sufficiently manoeuvre within the constraints of the proposed car parking design.

Green Travel Plans

A Green Travel Plan is a package of measures designed to encourage substitutes of single occupancy car use. They are now a requirement for major projects and have become an essential part of the initial planning submission. The main objective of a Green Travel Plan is to decrease the carbon footprint of a development and create healthy and sustainable means to access the site. Air quality, traffic flow, neighbourhood attractiveness, public and active transport instructor and noise pollution all factor into this plan.